Tuesday, March 31, 2015

REPOST: How amputees are getting new limbs for $50

A 7-year-old Lakewood girl, Faith Lennox, now has a prosthetic hand, thanks to 3-D printing. This article shares more about how the advanced prosthetics help Faith regain more function in her life.

Faith Lennox and her new 3d-printed left arm. | Image Source: thenewdaily.com.au

Faith Lennox lost her left hand due to complications during birth, but this never stopped the now seven-year-old from teaching herself to do things such as swim and surf with her father.

She likely could have gone through life doing just fine with one arm.

But now Build It Workspace, a learning centre that offers affordable access to advanced computing equipment such as 3-D printers, has given Faith something she had learned to live without: a complete left arm.

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Faith was able to design and 3-D print a prosthetic hand with the company, customised with all her favourite colours.

The “robohand” represents a breakthrough for children’s prosthesis. The hand was created in less than a day, is easy to use, and cost a total of $50 to create. Weighing only a pound (around 450 grams), the tool is made of the same materials used in drones and automobile parts.

Faith’s new arm demonstrates a viable solution for children looking for prosthetics. She will need to be refitted with a new hand every six to 12 months as she grows, but instead of her parents spending thousands of dollars for each new model, the total cost will continue to be around $50.

The modernisation of commercial 3-D printers has opened doors for prosthesis. Most prosthetic limbs are made of two components. One part is the replacement limb and the other is the “socket,” which connects the prosthetic to the body. Each part is made with a combination of materials including metals, plastics, and sometimes electronics.

The new arm is helping Faith lead a more active life. Photo: AAP
The new arm is helping Faith lead a more active life. | Image Source: thenewdaily.com.au
Thanks to modern technology – and a number of charitable organisations and individuals – Faith’s story is becoming more commonplace. From Iron Man presenting a prosthetic limb to a young fan to Boy Scouts building and shipping robotic hands to individuals around the world, amputees everywhere are gaining access to prosthetics in ways they could only have dreamed of years ago. (Even handicapped dogs have benefited from the technology.)

There are still challenges for the technology, including government approvals, funding, and difficulty printing multiple materials at one time, but it has not stopped driven individuals from using 3-D printers to help their fellow man.

While Build It Workspace ended up creating Faith’s hand, her parents originally turned to another notable organisation whose focus is helping amputees: E-Nable.

The nonprofit is a “global community collaborating to make free 3-D-printed prosthetic hands available to all who need them.”

E-Nable’s current staff of about 4,000 volunteers is made up of engineers, occupational therapists, prosthetists, garage tinkerers, designers, philanthropists, and many others who have all come together for the common cause of making prosthesis affordable and accessible.
Offering everything from design resources to connecting people with owners of 3-D printers, the organisation has so far been able to build 1,000 hands that have gone to help 700 people.

Companies with a focus on poverty-stricken countries have more interesting challenges to deal with. One of these organisations is Not Impossible, which grew out of the award-winning “Project Daniel.” Daniel survived a bomb blast during the civil war in Sudan, but the attack left the teenage boy without hands.

Not Impossible’s founder, Mick Ebeling, returned home from a trip to Sudan, determined to give back the boy’s ability to use his arms.

Not only did he complete his goal, allowing Daniel to feed himself for the first time in two years, Mr Ebeling went on to teach others in the community how to build and maintain the robotic arms to help the thousands of amputees left in the ruins of the war.

But innovators, such as WIliam Root, who invented a similar project called Exo, have continued to push the technology to meet the demands (and desires) of amputees.

Mr Root created a 3-D printing system for super-lightweight, stylish Exo prosthetic legs.

The jet black design is made from titanium powder or high-strength plastic, which, as Wired put it, “makes the wearer look as if they’re materialising from a video game.”

Root is someone who believes that creating prosthetic limbs is like “essentially designing a person” and the product should be as “unique as its owner”.

“Prosthetic limbs are stigmatised because they are so inhuman; most aftermarket companies that try to address this problem attempt to create a realistic-looking leg, which crosses into the uncanny valley,” Root told Wired.

He added that he believes flesh-coloured prosthetics are an attempt at a mass-market appeal, instead of being the “ultimate wearable” tech.

He hopes in the future his mesh design will be able to come in a variety of colours or patterns to fit an individual’s unique style.

As with many looking to advance 3-D printing, Root has run into fundraising and federal roadblocks, but, he says, that will not deter him. The technology is there; it just needs the proper funding.

Riyesh Menon is an R&D engineer for a medical device company in New York. Follow this Google+ page for more articles on biomedical engineering applications. TAGS: 3-d printing, prosthetics, prosthetic limbs

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Beyond the blue: How the brain gets depressed and how it can be treated

Image Source: theconversation.com

Depression is a mental illness affecting around 19 million Americans today. Ranging from severe to mild, this disease has turned over the lives of those affected. Unlike other diseases, however, depression (along with other mental illnesses) carries an extreme social stigma that prevents many sufferers from seeking help or even acknowledging their illness. This means that the estimated number of depressed people may actually be higher than believed.

Severe depression can significantly increase the risk of an individual attempting or completing suicide. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, worldwide, a person attempts suicide every 6 seconds – with a huge percentage of these individuals afflicted with depression.

Image Source: thedailybeast.com

Many health professionals and biomedical engineers are then racing to understand the mechanisms of this illness. By finding out which area of the brain is affected by depression, biomedical engineers hope to create better treatment plans and/or devices that could save millions of lives worldwide.

As the name suggests, depression causes a series of hormonal imbalances in the brain. The "depressed" area often lacks several highly important chemicals. The depressed person is often characterized by being "down" or lethargic. Oftentimes, depressed individuals have no energy to perform daily tasks and often complain of being tired or sick. This is why those who seek treatment are often given medicines that encourage the production of the deficient chemicals.

Image Source: theguardian.com

Unfortunately, depression is also brought about by a mixture of several factors other than purely physical ones. Many mental health professionals recommend a fusion of both psychology and medical advances to treat this illness. Still, many depressed people talk about the benefits of medication and how regulating hormonal fluctuations has made psychotherapy more effective.

The biomedical industry is still determining the exact relationship between the brain and mental illnesses, but hopefully alternative treatments will be developed in order to save many lives.

Biomedical engineering aims to understand the human body and create effective treatment options and/or devices that alleviate painful symptoms. Learn more by subscribing to this Riyesh R. Menon blog.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Advanced prosthetic limbs: Leveling the playing field for amputee athletes

Image Source: darpa.mil

Prosthetics, artificial devices that take the place of a missing limb or an injured body part, have been used since Ancient Egypt and Greece. The earliest prosthetic limbs were simple affairs, often made of wood or iron, and had limited to no functionality other than to fill the space.

Prosthetic limbs have come a long way since then. Advances in biomedical engineering have made them lighter and stronger, with joints and moving parts that allowed for articulation and more natural movement.

Today's prosthetic limbs help amputees perform daily tasks and regain their quality of life. They also allow amputee athletes to accomplish great things in their sport and to compete on the same level as able-bodied athletes.

Image Source: scientificamerican.com

In 2014, Markus Rehm, a German Paralympic long jumper who competes in the F44 class, became the first athlete with disabilities to compete in the German national championships and win the long jump event by leaping 8.24 meters. Rehm uses Ă–ssur prosthetic blades, similar to the ones used by sprinter Oscar Pistorius, who was allowed to compete in the 2012 Summer Olympics after a protracted legal battle.

Advanced prosthetic limbs work so well that there are concerns as to whether they provided an unfair advantage to athletes with disabilities. However, a study has shown that while modern prosthetic blades carry benefits to wearers such as increased speed, faster leg turnover, and longer strides, they also diminish energy returns on the disabled athlete by about 90 percent, compared to the energy return of an able-bodied leg and foot (249 percent).

Image Source: fortune.com

Rehm, in an interview with The New York Times, stated, “People want to say the blade gives me an advantage. They forget that the blade is just helping me replace the leg that I lost.”

In the future, through more advances in the science of prosthetics, the debates could become more heated. For now, sports federations are faced with the task of determining whether prosthetic limbs do more than level the playing field for amputee athletes, and whether they should be allowed to compete against able-bodied athletes.

Follow this Riyesh Menon Google+ account for discussions on advanced prosthetics.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Smartphone-connected devices and the future of medicine

Image Source: mashable.com

Smartphones have become ubiquitous in today’s society with most people relying on their mobile devices to always stay connected and online. What if, however, these devices could be used for so much more? What if they became part of the tools that doctors have in order to monitor their patients and provide treatments for some conditions?

Advancements in medicine and technology may soon make this thought a reality. Already there are many applications being developed to turn smartphones into devices that can help monitor a person’s vital signs.

Image Source: nbcnews.com

In envisioning the future of medicine, some experts argue that decentralization is the way into the future. People may soon have gadgets at their disposal to check and monitor their health and send the data to their doctors easily. This setup will require less patient visits to medical centers for routine checkups while vastly improving the delivery of care. 

Meanwhile, many apps are now being developed for diagnosis and treatment of certain health conditions. For example, there are apps that monitor the subtle hints in the user’s voice during everyday phone conversations to detect for early signs of mood changes. This type of program has applications in monitoring the conditions of patients with bipolar disorder.

Another app that is currently being developed is a smartphone-connected device that will deliver electrical stimulation to the nerves in a person’s head to help improve mood. A possible application for such a device would be to help a person calm down and relax.

Image Source: articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com

Riyesh R. Menon is a research and development engineer for a medical device company in New York. For more articles on biomedical engineering applications, visit this Google+ page.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Embryo selection techniques increase IVF success

Image Source: mercatornet.com

The failure of the embryo to implant in the womb is a common reason many couples remain childless. This compels them to undergo IVF treatments.

However, IVF success rates have been significantly low over the years. Fox News reveals in its report that the standard techniques of choosing embryos are based on microscopic findings. This inadequacy puts many IVF cycles at risk of failure because the embryo chosen may have looked good through a microscope but not viable enough to develop. Thus, many fertilization clinics in the world have started to grasp the idea of closely monitoring embryo development.

In one study, published in the journal Reproductive BioMedicine Online, British fertility experts used the method to choose low-risk embryos using a new IVF technique that takes thousands of snapshots of a developing embryo. This technique can help fertility doctors identify embryos that are least likely to have chromosomal abnormalities and will develop successfully into healthy babies.

Image Source: foxnews.com

Another study in Oxford University, led by Dr. Elpida Fragouli, found a way for doctors to pick out embryos most likely to have a 50 to 60 percent chance of generating pregnancy. The team found cutoff points which embryos could guarantee implantation. They also analyzed the amount of mitochondrial DNA found in early-stage embryos to determine whether they affected the chances of implantation after womb transfers.

These findings remain to be mere developments until scientifically assessed and proven. Time will tell if they can be worthy of the phrase “advances in the science of IVF.”

Image Source: dogusivfcentre.com

More scientific studies are featured on this Riyesh Menon blog.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Researchers generate sophisticated gene circuits for advanced bio-logic

Researchers at Rice University and the University of Kansas Medical Center are developing genetic circuits that have the ability to accomplish more complex tasks by swapping protein building blocks.

Image Source: kurzweilai.net

Engineered from parts of unrelated bacterial genomes, the gene circuits provide the scientific community a wide array of options in designing synthetic cells that can be applied to biofuels, environmental remediation, or medical treatments.

As explained by the researchers, led by Rice graduate student David Shis, the genetic circuit is similar to those used in creating traditional computers and electrical devices, which allow the system to carry out its own instruction if all inputs are present. They explained further that the genetic logic circuit might lead to the “creation of a specific protein when it senses two chemicals or prompt a cell's DNA to repress the creation of that protein.”

Image Source: mit.edu

Rice's assistant professor of biochemistry and cell biology, Matthew Bennett, revealed that one of the ultimate goals of the new technology is to allow cells to sense and respond to their environment in programmatic ways.

He explains: "We want to be able to program cells to go into an environment and do what they're supposed to do….These are akin to electronic circuits -- the logic gates in our computers. In cells, they work a little bit differently, but there are a lot of parallels."

Image Source: np-mag.ru

Lastly, apart from its aforementioned functions, the discovery is also seen as a gateway to solving biological issues, such as environmental pollution, and a program that can be able to cure tumors in the body.

More studies discussing the significant contributions of biomedical engineers can be read on this Riyesh R. Menon blog.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Exploring the power of edible batteries

Image Source: telegraph.co.uk

As wearable medical technologies like smart watches and fitness trackers continue to dominate the consumer tech market, researchers in the medical field are now adopting to the trend by creating edible devices that might soon power biodegradable electronic medical devices.

Spearheaded by two researchers at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), the development of the sodium-based battery is said to be safe and non-toxic. Like a pill, the battery can be swallowed and utilized to power biomedical sensors or other biodegradable medical gadgets.

Image Source: electric-vehiclenews.com

Christopher Bettinger, the lead researcher, explains: “Instead of lithium and toxic electrolytes that work really well but aren’t biocompatible, we chose simple materials of biological origin.”

According to Bettinger, the batteries, which were made from pigments found in cuttlefish ink, uses the melanin of the source for the anode and manganese oxide as the cathode. Furthermore, all the materials in the battery break down into nontoxic components in the body, rendering them safe for any type of medical procedures.

Image Source: digitaltrends.com

Doing further research on the study, the group is now working on making the edible electronics as digestible as pills. Though this, doctors will be able to deliver sensitive protein drugs, which are ordinarily destroyed in the stomach. The project also promises more bearable therapies for arthritis patients in the future.

Get more updates on biomedical technology by visiting this Riyesh R. Menon blog.